I am really excited about reading this book

(re-post from Friday, August 8, 2008)
I am really excited about reading this book
One of my current projects is to write the “forward” for Al Larson’s next book in the Dangerous Man Series. It is titled “The One Thing” and I am excited about it and the potential impact for men.

Yesterday I read Mark Batterson’s blog and although I do not know Mark personally, I really resonate with his writings.

He gave us a glimpse of his new book, Wild Goose Chase to be released Aug 19th. I did a cut and paste below for those who do not read the Batterson Blog.

The Batterson Blog – Thoughts on Life and Leadership

Book Byte by Mark Batterson

Thought I’d share some book bytes from Wild Goose Chase before it releases on August 19. Think of it as a daily dose of Wild Goose. I wonder if churches do to people what zoos do the animals. We try to tame them in the name of Christ. We remove the risk. We remove the danger. We remove the struggle. And what we end up with is a caged Christian.Jesus didn’t die on the cross to keep us safe. He died to make us dangerous. I would like to think that when I pronounce the benediction at th end of our church services, I am sending dangerous people back into their natural habitat to wreak havoc on the Enemy.
excerpt from Wild Goose Chase

I am really finding myself in love with this idea of being dangerous but for the right reasons. Mark’s comment at the end of his blog about people being sent out of the church “to their natural habitat to wreak havoc on the enemy” is remarkable statement.

Frankly, I am hearing from more guys and leaders about this concept of guys getting dangerous for the Lord.

I believe that one of the greatest ways we can be dangerous is to live a life that tells our family that they are safe because we are dangerous.

I think that somewhere back in the recesses of my mind I remember a Mel Gibson movie where the bad guy says to Gibson……”you are dangerous” and Gibson smiles and replies…. “Yes, I am.”

There are several scenes in Top Gun about being dangerous but the best one is at the end when Val Kilmer yells to Tom Cruise, “You’re still dangerous but you can be my wingman anytime.”

My closing thought (for now) on this issue of being dangerous comes from a song by Steve Camp. the song is titled Living Dangerously In The Hands Of God. the lines from the song that jump out at me are: “There’s safety in complacency, but God is calling us out of our comfort zone into a life of complete surrender to the cross. To live dangerously as not to live recklessly but righteously.”

So Here’s to living Dangerously in the Hands of God

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Pastor Andy Addis


Lance and Lynn Anderson

Stepping Out of the Boat

Dr Dan Erickson

Greater Yes

Leary Gates

Igniting purpose, Inspiring breakthroughs

Dave Gregg

Building Godly Leaders

Pastor Terry Hoggard

Connecting Leaders because Relationships Matter

Pastor Jim Ladd

Jim Ladd

Wes Roberts

Life....to the max!

Therese Schwenkler

The UnLost

Steve Siler

Music for the Soul

Pastor Rob Singleton

Making an Impact for Christ

Ward Tanneberg

A Further Journey

Pastor Joel Thomas

Men Who Believe

Julie Thomas

Women Who Believe

Janet Wheeler

Choosing Life; Finding Freedom

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