No it is not a mid-life crisis as many would think. I am 60 and had that 25 to 30 years ago. Actually the driving force has been my wife. For the last 18 months she has been saying that we need a bike. Then in the last 4 months she has really taken it up a notch. Hardly a day would go by without her saying something about getting a bike. She said the idea of her and I just getting away on the afternoon or weekend without cell phones, radios or whatever was pretty apealling to her. Well it happened. Last week she and I went to my Admin’s house to pick up a refridgerator and in the garage was her husband, Dan’s “extra” bike. It took me a few minutes and a quick ride to get excited. All during this time and the next day all Billie would say is you need to get that bike. So now we own a motorcycle and it is amazing.
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