The Mindset of the Class of 2012

(re-post from Tuesday, August 26, 2008)

Regularly we all get the emails that are the “Do you remember?” lists. Today as I was reading Wes Roberts blog , he referred to the “Beloit College Mindset List.” Several Professors at Beloit College put together a list to help us understand what has shaped the students entering as freshmen. Check it out at

Several items on the list were just amusing while some thought provoking. The one that really jumped out at me more as a reminder was #19. “Films have never been X rated, only NC-17.”

The importance of this one is very subtle. During the Rites of Passage teaching, we normally ask parents and young adults alike, what are the movie ratings. Most get the G, PG, PG-13 and R. The problem is the next rating. Many still believe that some movies (call them pornographic) are still rated “X.”

This freshman class has never known that there were “X” rated movies. All they know is “NC-17” or “No children under 17.”

Quietly over the years, we have allowed the movie industry to condition our children to believe that there is not any real pornography….. just art that you need to be more mature to see and appreciate.

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Pastor Andy Addis


Lance and Lynn Anderson

Stepping Out of the Boat

Dr Dan Erickson

Greater Yes

Leary Gates

Igniting purpose, Inspiring breakthroughs

Dave Gregg

Building Godly Leaders

Pastor Terry Hoggard

Connecting Leaders because Relationships Matter

Pastor Jim Ladd

Jim Ladd

Wes Roberts the max!

Therese Schwenkler

The UnLost

Steve Siler

Music for the Soul

Pastor Rob Singleton

Making an Impact for Christ

Ward Tanneberg

A Further Journey

Pastor Joel Thomas

Men Who Believe

Julie Thomas

Women Who Believe

Janet Wheeler

Choosing Life; Finding Freedom

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