That Grace thing again

(re-post from Tuesday, August 19, 2008)

This morning, the title of my reading was “The Uniqueness of Grace.”

Catch this…
“Before you came to know Christ, you knew something of love; in all probability there were people in your life that loved you. So also you knew something of faith, for all must commit before knowing. You may have experienced mercy. But grace is different. Only in Jesus Christ do you discover grace for His death made it possible for Him to be both gracious and just.”

I really did not like my next thoughts. I want justice for others and grace for me.

I can give you a pretty good list of people that need to experience justice and some I think I would like to see the justice to be sure they are getting theirs.

but Grace ….. now that is what I want.

So I am back to yesterday’s question..
Do I want more Grace than I am willing to give?

Just as clear as the question came the answer. Yes I do.

My plan for today is to try to extend as much grace as I would extended to me. That is not going to be easy.

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Pastor Andy Addis


Lance and Lynn Anderson

Stepping Out of the Boat

Dr Dan Erickson

Greater Yes

Leary Gates

Igniting purpose, Inspiring breakthroughs

Dave Gregg

Building Godly Leaders

Pastor Terry Hoggard

Connecting Leaders because Relationships Matter

Pastor Jim Ladd

Jim Ladd

Wes Roberts the max!

Therese Schwenkler

The UnLost

Steve Siler

Music for the Soul

Pastor Rob Singleton

Making an Impact for Christ

Ward Tanneberg

A Further Journey

Pastor Joel Thomas

Men Who Believe

Julie Thomas

Women Who Believe

Janet Wheeler

Choosing Life; Finding Freedom

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